Older Infants & Toddlers through age 2
Our toddler room (1-2 year olds) is a safe creative learning environment with developmentally appropriate activities planned throughout the day. We enjoy building a supportive positive relationship with children and families to provide the best opportunities for out little explorers to practice cognitive, language, motor, and social skills while thriving with the power of play during our daily routine.
Welcome to Our Room
The Honeybees classroom is a happy, nurturing environment where each child is encouraged to explore and develop new skills at their own pace. Equipment and toys are safe and age appropriate for them. The room arrangement satisfies individual needs by allowing space for eating, sleeping, playing and socializing. Curriculum concepts are taught at an introductory level with plenty of flexibility for shorter attention spans. Projects are fun and messy, yet still meaningful.
Emotional Goals
Begins to show empathy for others
Feels safe and secure away from parents
Shows affection or dislikes
Shows pride in new accomplishments
Asserts self appropriately
Exhibits contrasting moods (stubborn to compliant)
Social Goals
Imitates others
Influences or persuades others
Helps at clean-up time
Tries to please others
Exhibits an intense interest in adult language
Enjoys "exploring" with others
Physical Goals
Sits well in chair
Climbs up steps
Marches in place
Rolls, throws, and kicks ball
Stacks blocks
Uses a crayon or paintbrush
Attempts to put on shoes, socks, jacket
Washes and dries hands
Uses a spoon
Drinks from a cup